Sam's Network of Love and Light

All my stirring becomes quiet around me like circles on water - Wendell Berry

Game Plan


Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the delay with an update! I’m happy to report that round 2 of chemo has gone much smoother than round 1. Outside of some nausea and overall yuck I’ve been managing quite well. Whew! Why the improvement? They reduced my dose for the 14 days of chemo pills so that is a big factor. I also made a concerted effort to reduce the amount of symptom drugs (for nausea mainly) that I was taking. They alone have many side effects including GI distress and terrible malaise. I also made some changes and additions to my holistic helpers. I consulted with my wonderful homeopath in Montreal (Judy Ann McNamara) for remedies. I added to my vitamin and natural supplements including: aloe juice for calming the stomach and GI, Bio-K probiotics to help the GI stay full of good bacteria, melatonin (known to have many anti-cancer properties in addition to a natural sleep aid), L- Glutamine (to help with rebuilding lining of GI), along with a bevy of vitamins from multi, D3, calcium/magnesium, tumeric… I’ve also been doing acupuncture, one reflexology session a week at Footworks (highly recommended!) and enjoying massages with the magic healing hands of my good friend Lisa Lafleur. I’ve continued my wonderful healing sessions with the beautiful Jenett Ashley and have been the recipient of healing energy from far and wide including from “Momma B” Barb Cook who is the mom of one of my hero’s, the unstoppable Roxanne Wiseman. I have also started some very interesting enquiry with the magnificent Dr. Lee Pulos who was referred by my friend Harry.

I did a CT scan last week to see where we were at as compared to the last CT which was 6 weeks ago. The good news is that the lesion in the upper lobe (we call him ‘the walnut’) showed no sign of growth. The lymph nodes also look like they have stabilized and not changed. Yay! The not-so-great news is that growth of the jelly-like tumor (called “mucin”) appears to be progressing. The mucin is in the pleural space (the space between the lung and the wall of the chest). Boo.

So… after weighing the choice between continuing chemo for a few more rounds or proceeding with surgery, I’ve pretty much decided to go with surgery. I say “pretty much” because hell knows I’ve been dealt a few curve balls on this journey leading me to remain open and ready to change plan should a persuasive argument or option present itself! We’ve booked April 25th with Doc Sugarbaker in Boston and I’ll start getting back in shape as soon as I finish this round of chemo (which will be at the end of this week). This includes trying to gain a few of those pounds I lost in the first round. Not so easy with a no- dairy, no-meat, health oriented diet! I did cheat a bit today and had two croissants for a snack. mmmm.

I’ll be heading to Hawaii this Sunday for a week to join Alison and the kids for some much needed warmth and sunshine (and regular intake of freshly made donuts from a place near her house… oh yeah!) I’m really looking forward to it.

Thank you to all of you for continuing to send your love my way. I receive every ounce with gratitude and have no words to express how much it has helped me cope these past few months.

With love always,


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